Monday, November 1, 2010

Boys & Girls Club: Pre-Session

Before going downtown to the Boys & Girls club we were prompted with a few questions by Professor Dolson. They were as follows:

1. What helped you the most in the making of your digital story?
2. What makes a story?

What helped me the most in the making of my digital story was mainly the fact that I had done it before. This project was much easier to accomplish because of the experience I had from doing it last year. The way I went about doing my digital story this year was not much different from the previous time except I knew exactly what needed to get done in order for the story to come out well. For example, I knew this time around that having a plethora of photos to choose from is essential before putting the whole story together. It can be difficult and frustrating to have every element of your story completed in iMovie or Photostage and to still have to go back onto the Creative Commons to find photos. In order for things to run smoothly it's imperative to have everything in the pre-production stage to be done before moving on to the production stage.

In terms of writing the script, what helped me most was the way I decided to conduct the interview. I chose broad questions to ask my professor and wrote down meticulous notes during the interview. I knew that if I had specific questions and answers at the stage it would be difficult to come up with a good script in the writing stage. What I mean by this is that when you're conducting your interview, you have no idea how it will go and what your professor will say. Therefor it is unclear what direction you will take your story in at that point in the process. After the interview I was able to go through all of my notes and pick out the ideas and points that would be cohesive in a story.

This leads into the last question: what makes a story? There are a lot of elements that can be found in a traditional story. From plot, characters, themes, there are a ton of things that make up a story. A digital story on the other hand has elements that are not as straightforward. In this story in particular we had a protagonist or "main character", but in most digital stories, they are more conceptual. It's more important to know exactly what the theme is before the direction of the story because that is what you are trying to convey.

Below I have posted my digital story along with a couple of links to different photo websites and tutorials.

My story

Digital Storytelling Concepts

Creative Commons


Flickr Storm

Audacity Download

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