Monday, November 29, 2010

Possible Ideas

I have decided to dedicate this blog post to possible ideas for my FAQ final project because I do not want to forget them by the time I have to start writing it (this will also serve as a sort of introduction to my blog paper). After consulting with Professor Dolson this afternoon about possible ideas I have decided that I would like to make my FAQ page about the emotional side of consulting. I have not completely narrowed down what specifically I will focus on because I have not explored enough readings quite yet but I feel that it it something that is often overlooked. Most of the readings and articles we have read in class have to do with the conventions and guidelines to running successful sessions. There is limited information on what to do when the student is stressed out, highly emotional or concerned. Some ideas I've had so far are:

1. How to deal with someone who is working close to the deadline
2. How to console someone who is having a particularly difficult time
3. How to motivate someone who has lost all hope in their writing

Although these are a few extreme situations, they are ones that should not be overlooked. I know from my own experience going to a friend or consultant for help, often all I need is a restoration of confidence. If our job as consultants is not to blatantly change elements of people's essays and instead guide them in the right direction, most people have the ability to be a good writer in the first place. Let's be honest, the students at this school for the most part have the same caliber of writing. Therefore, when UR students are having issues with their writing, often it can be because of added stress from an overbearing workload or other homework assignment. I feel that a short FAQ or Wiki addressing some of these emotional issues could seriously improve the impact consultants have on students in need.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great start--always good to start with questions! For your blog paper, make sure you also have a link to a reading and a post about it. It should be a reading that you find in an attempt to start to answer one of these questions. It will probably be only on part of an anwers. Make sure to say in your next post what new question it leaves you with.
